Tuesday, May 24, 2011

show you what all the howling's for

I had a slight need to take a leak before I left work this evening but I decided not to go at work, knowing that after the 20 minute walk home the piss I would take would be ultramega satisfying. You get your kicks where you can, don't you?

In other, less urine-related, news, this blog is three years old today. I really don't know how that happened. Like most things, I think I hopped on the bandwagon just as the whole thing had reached saturation point and was becoming terminally uncool. Once I finally succumb to Twitter you can be fairly sure that that's over, too. Twitter was just getting going back then, and quickly started to gobble commenters who had stuff to say and then the kind of bloggers who only did this as a means of chatting to folks they didn't know and saying 'check this motherfucking dog video out!' Which is good for everyone, I guess, though it's certainly changed the landscape a bit. Nevertheless, blogs are still usually the best place to read articulate and uncensored writing by people without a political or commercial agenda.

I didn't do this expecting to be read by anyone much, so the readers I have picked up are an unexpected bonus. Especially as blogging by its very nature is a reverse narrative, so it must often be unclear as to what the fuck I'm banging on about. And I must surely have exhausted the goodwill of just about every longer-term reader out there by repeatedly going on about how I met my wife through blogging and how much I love her.

Anyway, I wish I had more to say right now. But I don't, so I'll just peter out in much the same way way as my wedding speech by saying "Umm...thanks" with a crack in my voice, and sitting down.

13 comment(s):

Radge said...

How was the piss in the end?

Katherine said...

Happy blogday. My mam would be unimpressed with your peeing tactics.

Silas Meek said...

Those Ultra-pees always seem to carry an air of danger for me. "Will today be the day that I finally wet myself just a little, as I wait for the lift up to my apartment?" Living on the edge, man. Living on the edge.

Annie said...

"...repeatedly going on about how I met my wife through blogging and how much I love her."

I love this. Happy blog day.

Anonymous said...

Some of your post are classic so I hope that you keep up the good work. I've noticed links to your blog in an esoteric mix of locations so I am sure that your words are not going gently into the dark night ;-)
I agree with you about blogs but there are definitely less intersting ones to read than a few years ago. I don't think that Twitter is in anyway a substite and I left Facebook because it was too difficult to device a security structure to classify family/distant family/real friends/ex-friends/acquaintances/randoms....

Rosie said...

he did it again yesterday evening when we were going out to the credit union - had a beer and two mugs of tea, then held his wee til we got home. the dance down the street as we neared the house was fun; me threatening to tickle him and poke him in the bladder and him threatening to punch me in the face.

Catherine said...

Ah, happy blogbirthday. Here's to many more years of great writing and impressive bladder control.

Janelle said...

chin chin and all that! yip. keep up the star writing! x j

Jo said...

Happy Blog Birthday :)

One can't know wee satisfaction til after you've been pregnant, and need to go ALL the time, but there's only ever a dribble. I was appreciating real weeing for about six months afterwards.

I suppose prostate issues might have the same effect, thinking about it.

Er, yes. Well. You started it.

K said...

Happy belated blog birthday! I never really keep track of stuff like that for my own one. It's like a neglected html stepchild.

Andrew said...

Thanks, Jo and KC. A few other lovely people commented on this post, then Blogger caught AIDS or something for a couple of days and removed this post. They restored it, sans comments a day or two later. I'd call them bastards, but it's not like I pay for this service or anyting.

So, thank you to Annie, Radge, Moon Country, Catherine, Katherine, Silas Meek and Janelle. You're all gorgeous. Especially you, Silas.

White Rabbit said...

Happy belated Blog Day Sir. I didn't know this was a thing but now I do!

Enjoy your pisses!

Andrew said...

WR - Thank you, my dear, I shall.