Monday, March 15, 2010

Stella, I love you!

Lacking in words, as I am recently, I thought I would abort all the half-formed, moth-eaten posts I have been labouring on and post, instead, a picture of me staring at my new bonsai tree.

Her name is Stella and I have decided that I love her. I will caress her while my fiancée is not looking and gradually, gradually, I will have coherent things to say again.

15 comment(s):

Radge said...

Still with the beard I see.

I, too, am struggling horribly with vowels and consonants.

Cycles Goff said...

"Is this a..? What day is this?"

Is what this picture makes me think.

Jo said...

Looking spiritually monklike and beautiful there, Andrew. Hurray for shameless attention seeking!

Andrew said...

Radge - Yes. It's to protect the populace from my toxic levels of handsome.
Also, herself likes it. Not Stella, the other one.

Gimme - Or, as I call it, default mode.

Jo - Thank you. I don't do facebook or any of that guff, so I guess people can just tolerate the occasional outbreak of vanity every once in a while here.

Jennikybooky said...

Oh my god look! we have even more in common. Not the beard, the bonsai. Ahem.

Has rosie reconsidered my proposal?

oh please oh please oh please!

Andrew said...

Send her a creme egg and she's anyone's.

Meadow said...

Stella is beautiful. Is she levitating?

(Rather aptly, my word verification is TURFO.)

emordino said...

On Thursdays Stella puts on a pair of winged glasses and a blue-rinse wig and calls herself Estelle. Just for shits and giggles, like.

Blazing said...


I suspect Stella owes her name to a more fluid pleasure...

Andrew said...

Meadow - Yes, she can do that. Word verification is constantly freaking me out with its aptness, I had one earlier with 'dicopho', when i do indeed appear to be dying of a cough.

Emordino - I await this Thursday with trembling anticipation.

Blazing - Surprisingly enough, no. I called her Stella because her species or genus or race or what ever they call it for trees is 'The Tree of a Thousand Stars'. and also because I am greatly enamoured of an Interpol song called 'Stella was a Diver and she was Always Down'. However, my Stella doesn't go in for that sort of thing at all.

Conor said...

90s grunge vibe going on there. I think I'd like a pet tree - must be very peaceful. No noises, or excretions, and it's always where you left it.

John Braine said...

prepare to have your heart broken by your new love, they're a basard to keep alive.

Andrew said...

Conor - I don't think I ever really left that era behind. it made lax personal hygiene seem cool, so I'm a little unsure why anyone has moved on from it.

John B - I've heard that, right enough. One week in and she's still flourishing, so i'll assume my parenting is on the right track.

Squiggles - Um, you're welcome? i didn't nominate you for an Irish Blog award, if that's what you're thinking. Best of luck, though, you should win.

Anonymous said...

You were playing at full back position for Scotland last Saturday, I saw you.

Anonymous said...

You were playing at full back position for Scotland last Saturday, I saw you.... and I'm not talking to Stella.