Tuesday, May 11, 2010

More tea, Gicker?

Click to make it big and hairy

Sometime last year Rosie's blog turned two, and the indolent wagon asked me to write a post for her to mark the occasion, as she couldn't be ringed. So I did. I asked her to return the favour for my second birthday and, clearly reluctant to write anything as fawning as I would've liked, she produced the above graph for me. Smart lady.
The geeky book blog she refers to is Slightly Read - a book blog I started working on a few weeks ago when I realised I that I kept feeling an odd urge to write book reviews here. I decided to stick them into their own grubby little corner instead, so as not to put my legions of readers off this place. Head over there and have a gander if that's your sort of thing, or just sit tight and wait for my next gibbering missive here instead.

14 comment(s):

White Rabbit said...

Every post should have a graph in it from now on

No pressure or anything

Lovely to meet you the other night m'dear! I assure you I didn't see the 'Dear Lord I am now wine drunk' coming

K said...

That graph is deadly! I want one now.

Radge said...

What they said, though sadly I lack the texpertise.

Texpertise... No... That didn't work at all.

Catherine said...

I 100% like this infographic.

Happy blogbirthday, beardy.

Sarah Gostrangely said...

Happy birthday Andrew!! I think...

I like the end of the graph where you don't pick up ladies on the net anymore. Though it worked once...?

Have a good one!x

Andrew said...

Au Lapin Blanc - "You go get your palace, Yul Brenner." Honestly, three days on and I'm still chuckling. The pleasure was all ours, if we're not allowed to adopt the canine from that particular room then you'll do nicely.

Kitty and Radge - We're not too fond of giving credit where it's due, so I chose to use the graph with the logo of the site where it was made removed from it. It's graphjam.com if you're in the mood for such things.

Catherine - I was about to respond with a withering retort along the lines of "Thank you, redhead" before I remembered that I really like red hair. So, um, yeah.

Sarah - Ever notice the way I flirt outrageously with female commenters here? That shit ain't accidental, dollface.

White Rabbit said...

*secretly hopes for adoption*

Jo said...

Link? Or did I miss it. Whack it down again anyway.So when is it your beard's birthday?

Andrew said...

It's right there in the post, Jo, right where it says 'Slightly Read'. For some reason the editor won't let me change the link colour to blue with this new template, even though I've asked it to. The url is www'slightlyread.blogspot.com

As for the beard, well, it's older than time.

Tessa said...

Happy anniversary, Andrew. And I like the new book geek blog.

I really hate to admit it, but I don't get the title of this post. 'Gick' was the name my older siblings used for shit. They would prance around singing, to the tune of The Blue Danube, "It's all on your leg, gick, gick, gick gick / Wipe it off with a stick, stick stick stick stick / It's twopence a lick, lick lick lick lick." Eventually all either of them had to do was hum a few bars of the Blue Danube and we'd all pee ourselves laughing. Finally The Mother got fed up and banned the tune outright. To this day, I can't hear Strauss on the radio without cracking a grin.

Andrew said...

Tessa, that comment had Rosie and I spluttering with laughter. I'm afraid you've caught us out. 'More tea, Gicker?' is something we say to each other of an evening, as a play on 'More tea, vicar?' - the classic sentence used by the genteel at awkward moments. Affectionately calling the other one 'shithead', essentially.

Voodoolady said...

A bit late but happy blogday.

I'm glad someone else asked about the Gick situation, I wasn't going to.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh-er-Gicker, does it come wiv spotted dicker?

Ahem, sorry 'bout that... happy surfday.

Blazing said...

So that was the other project. Good stuff, Andrew. Added to my bookmarks at just the right time of the year. For some reason I only get to read in the summer months.