Thursday, October 21, 2010

the fucking view is fucking vile for fucking miles and fucking miles

Having watched the final episodes of The Sopranos over the weekend my next post was set to be all about the majesty of that show, featuring a detailed analysis of crime and society in America and the definitive opinion piece on whether it, or The Wire, is the best TV show ever made, ever.

And then I was told on Monday that I'll be losing my teaching job on Friday week. Spaniards and Brazilians, unfathomably, don't want to be in Dublin during the winter. And immediately I was overcome with that old sensation of no-one gives a fuck what you think about anything, Andrew. It seems to be the hallmark of unemployment, and I remember it well.

My last period of joblessness (Oct. '09 to Feb. '10) was characterised by early depression and onanism, followed by an upswing in mood brought about my reading lots of books and doing volunteer work.

This time around I plan to synthesise these disparate strands by writing a pornographic novel to be sold in aid of grieving kangaroos.

12 comment(s):

emordino said...

John Cooper Clarke played at EP this year. I didn't see him. Shit story, I know.

Rosie said...

we didn't go. POW! trumped your shit story there, my friend.

Tessa said...

I'm sorry, Andrew, that really is a shit story. Couldn't trump it if I tried. And The Sopranos had a really shit ending, too.

K said...

Ah no, what a pile of wank! Sorry to hear that Andrew. Damn those wussy Spaniards, sure a bit of cold never hurt no one. Good luck with the book.

Annie said...

I've never seen the Sopranos and even I know it had a shit ending.

Good luck in your next brilliant venture Andrew.

Jo said...

Shite :(

Maybe you should follow them to Brazil, and teach the fuckers there, in the sunshine?

Failing that, the kangaroo porn charity idea is a good one. Even sadder though, I think it was a wallaby.


Radge said...

I really liked the ending of The Sopranos, I'm alone in this.

That's shit news about the job though you won't be left floundering for long, I'm sure.

In the meantime, get into Six Feet Under if you haven't already seen it. Love The Sopranos and The Wire and The West Wing, but I heart Six Feet Under.

This Limbo said...

Hi Andrew - I haven't posted on your blog before, but I've been reading. Sorry to hear about your job. I know that unemployed feeling of feeling simply lost. I hope you're not out of action for long.

Janelle said...

pole SANA re" job....! come teach at braeburn in Arusha!? always looking for good teach English, hey?? x j and ps: lovely fucking views around these parts, as you know.

Andrew said...

Eli - John Cooper Clarke played just down the road from us, in Whelan's, month or so back and we didn't go to see him. Feel free to add that to your repertoire of dinner party anecdotes. You can even tell it as though it happened to you.

Rosie - Trumped you both, ha.

Tessa - Thanks. But I liked the ending of the Sopranos. I may well expand on that in my reply to Radge.

Kitty Cat - From about September onwards every Spanish student moans "Eeez so cold in Dublin." I finaly snapped the other day and asked a couple of them "Did you think Ireland was in the Mediterranean?"

Annie - You need to watch The Sopranos. Quit Facebbok and you'll have heaps of time for it.

Jo - Not a heap of jobs going for the missus in the Irish language sector in Brazil, but.
Apparently the owner of the circus that the wallaroo may have come from was on Joe Duffy claiming it was "just a man in a kangaroo suit."

Radge - You're not alone in that at all. I liked it, Rosie liked it, and I'm reliably informed Eli Mordino liked it. People just seem to expect dramatic Hollywood endings without even the slightest hint of ambiguity, it seems, and The Sopranos was never going to do that.
We've watched the first couple of seasons of Six Feet Under and liked it very much. But we stopped watching for a bit after we got engaged because it made us far too preoccupied with the seemingly impending death of the other one. And then the owner of the boxset reclaimed it for someone who would be quicker with it, so we've yet to resume.
Giving a run to something called Carnivale at the moment, in tandem with Deadwood. It's got to the stage where I automatically trust anything with an HBO sticker on it.

Regina - Cheers. The first time round I was actually quite shocked by how much I missed having stuff to do. I thought I would be far happier as an idler than I am.
And it's lovely to hear that you've been reading, as I follow your own musings keenly.

Janelle - Asante sana, dada. Teaching in Arusha is not the worst idea, but I don't know if it suits right now. Either way, I'm hoping to pay a visit to Moshi in the next couple of years, so I'll let you know if we're there. I miss the fucking view there.

White Rabbit said...

Sorry to hear about the job situation m'dear. I'm sure it will only be temporary.

I look forward to the porno novel. The kangaroos shall be pleased :)

Anonymous said...

The Devil, someone said, makes work for idle hands, so you can put me down for one copy of Onangaroo.

Jokes aside, fuck fuck fuck fuckety fuck.